Australian High Commission
Port Vila

The Australian Government is now in a caretaker period in advance of the forthcoming election. Until a new government is sworn in, government operations are conducted in accordance with the caretaker conventions.

Welcome to the official website of the Australian High Commission in Port Vila, Vanuatu.

Ostrelia mo Vanuatu i serem semak solwora. Yumi stap wok togeta tru wan strong patnasip, mo tu olsem memba blong Pasifik famle.

Australia and Vanuatu share a deep and longstanding partnership that extends from before Vanuatu's Independence to today. We share a region, we share an ocean, and we share a future. Our Governments and communities work together every day to make that future more peaceful, prosperous and resilient.

Our partnership is underpinned by close friendships and family ties: from our shared Melanesian cultural links to the bonds between scholars, athletes, seasonal workers, tourists, officials, community leaders and volunteers that have formed from decades of close cooperation and exchange.

Follow us on Facebook and X (formerly known as Twitter) to see our partnership in action.

Vanuatu-Australia Community Grants Program

Applications are open for the new Vanuatu-Australia Community Grants Program 

We're calling for applications from communities across all provinces to apply for the new Vanuatu-Australia Community Grants Program. 

The new Community Grants Program builds on Australia’s previous Direct Aid Program, expanding the list of items that are eligible for funding, tripling the program’s overall budget, and more than tripling the maximum funding for each project. 

Find out more here

Latest news and updates

For more, see Speeches and Media Releases from the Australian High Commission in Vanuatu.


Study in Australia
Business Envoy. Insights into the Australian Government\'s trade and investment agenda